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By purchasing a product from our online shop, you are contributing to the protection and development of the Domaine national de Chambord, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
"With our brand policy, we are acting in the interests of those who preserve heritage. It is a reconquest that I would call "the colbertism of the intangible. In an international context of globalisation, let's not let others take our place names. "
Jean d'Haussonville, Director General of the National Estate of Chambord
The Chambord brand has a very high degree of distinctiveness due to its historical antiquity, its reputation with the national and international public and the image of the monument. It has been developed to preserve the use of the name and image of Chambord, which has been used for years by many companies around the world to sell products with no connection to Chambord.
Since 2010, the National Estate of Chambord has been registering trademarks with the INPI (National Institute for Industrial Property). To date, the National Estate of Chambord has a portfolio of more than 20 trademarks. The purpose of registering trademarks with the INPI is to protect the intangible elements of the Estate of Chambord, not only its name but also all the names associated with the world and the imagination of Chambord.
While the trademark is a response to protect the name, the image is a matter for another legal framework. It should be noted that in 2016 a major change took place with the creation of a new legal rule specifically aimed at the use for commercial purposes of the image of establishments qualified as national domains, and presenting an exceptional link with the history of the Nation. The LCAP law (law on the freedom of creation, architecture and heritage) of 7 July 2016 inserts a new article in the Heritage Code, art. L621-42 which states: "The use for commercial purposes of the image of the buildings that make up the national domains, on any medium, is subject to the prior authorisation of the manager of the relevant part of the national domain. This authorisation may take the form of a unilateral act or a contract, with or without financial conditions. The fee shall take account of the benefits of any kind accruing to the holder of the authorisation. The authorisation mentioned in the first paragraph is not required when the image is used in the context of the exercise of public service missions or for cultural, artistic, educational, teaching, research, information and news illustration purposes. A decree in the Council of State shall define the terms of application of this article.
On the one hand, any commercial use by third parties must be authorised by the domain manager, and on the other hand, a fee must be paid. This article refers only to national domains, and Chambord was recognised as such by the decree of 2 May 2017 which established the list (six national domains, alongside the Louvre and Tuileries domains, the Pau domain, the Château d'Angers, the Élysée Palace and the Rhine Palace).
While the registration of trademarks naturally follows a defensive logic, it can and must, with regard to the law and the rules of the Intellectual Property Code, follow an exploitation logic. Thus, several areas are currently being worked on for the development of "Château de Chambord" product ranges.
Several areas are currently being worked on for the development of the brand:
A selection of products made according to the rules of the trade from the estate's natural resources is already offered for sale under the "Château de Chambord" brand in the château's shop, in a space identified as such. In order to verify each stage, from the creation of the product to its marketing, Chambord is committed to selling these products directly in its shops, online and also off-line in selected distribution networks. The products currently marketed include wine (three vintages), birch water, honey, game terrines, wooden objects from the Chambord forest, deer antlers (key rings, walking sticks, etc.) and a range of small leather goods. Each of these products is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity that tells its story.
In return for this type of contract, the distributors are authorised to use the name and/or image of Chambord within a well-defined framework and limited in time. The aim is to market products outside of Chambord, via traditional distribution networks, notably the web or mass distribution. All products are validated by Chambord. Contracts are signed with manufacturers for the exploitation and marketing of exclusive products bearing the "Château de Chambord" label. Each contract includes a guaranteed minimum fee and a royalty on each product sold. All products include a statement explaining to the buyer that his or her purchase contributes to the development of the estate's new projects. (Example: Faïencerie de Gien, Cémoi chocolates, La Sablésienne, manufacturer of household linen, etc.).
The National Estate of Chambord has signed a few brand associations when the know-how is exceptional and French; (example: Sébastien Gaudard). These exceptional partnerships combine the reputation of a heritage site that is unique in the world with a brand chosen for its distinctive qualities and its interest in the defence of a certain French art of living.
A selection of products made exclusively for Chambord; it is aimed at enthusiasts looking for unique souvenirs, linked to the history of France and the majesty of the site.
Like the fleur de lys or the crown of François I, the seal of Chambord is a royal symbol.
The "double C" was specially created by the estate from a forest hammer. This tool had an axe blade on one side to remove pieces of bark, and on the other side, a hammer engraved with a punch to strike the trunk. In this way, the mark of the trees to be cut was printed... This operation was called "hammering".
Today, the Chambord brand uses this royal seal on all the estate's wine production and to certify the origin of products made directly from the estate's resources.
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