Collection medal castle of Chambord and a deer 2023
- Collector coin
- Monnaie de Paris
- Year 2023
- The deer in front of the Château de Chambord
Product description
A collector's and souvenir medal
Struck by the Monnaie de Paris, this medal is both a collector's item and a souvenir.
Its obverse features the stag in front of the Château de Chambord. The stag is one of the emblematic animals of the Domaine national de Chambord.
A prized collector's item, it will complete your collection of coins linked to France's great cultural sites.
Domain note
Deer at Chambord
Chambord is a world reference for knowledge of large wild ungulates, thanks to a strategic scientific program. Chambord is the only site in France to combine a surface area large enough to preserve the natural behavior of large animals, with a wall that prevents them from entering or leaving. This exceptional situation is complemented by a hunting and forestry service staffed by wildlife specialists, well versed in paneling techniques, who have been collecting and preserving deer data for decades. This combination of factors enables consistent, long-term monitoring of large animal populations, as well as comparisons with populations in open areas.
Product characteristics
Dimensions : Ø 34 mm
Matierals : Metals (89% Cu, 5% Al, 5% Zn, 1% Sn)